Starlit On Wheels Game Review - NovaGames

Starlit on Wheels is said to be one of the friendliest racing game played by children since the conditions required for one to play the game are easy to understand. Trackmania is the aversion that is friendly to children and entails tracks that goes against gravity; thus, many obstacles and opportunities are met, therefore making starlit on wheels a challenging game that enables one to have fun when overcoming challenges.


Beginners and advanced players preferably use the cutesy-cute approach, which makes the game more enjoyable and relaxing too. Mastering the tracks that are in story mode is easy and very simple to master. The speed of the vehicle while moving is too slow to adjust unlocking and upgrading the drive makes the speed of the car to rise, thus making it very enjoyable while playing. It enables one to get to a point where the slug of the vehicle will turn into a Coyote Roadrunner.

Opening the chests that you acquire after winning the race gives one upgrades that enable one unlock. The enhancements help in improving your vehicle’s stats, thus allowing you to have control of these stats since they do upgrade themselves hence giving you an obvious chance to win the proceeding race.

The controls for the game are usually located at the bottom. The arrows allowing one to turn right. Left are both located at the bottom on your left. It may not be easy in the beginning before one gets used to playing, but since the speed of the game is slow mastering, this is easy.

Starlit on whiles provides an app that allows one to purchase chests that contain better items for your car. However, buying the bins is not a compulsory option. An added advantage is that this game does not have ads hence allowing one to play the game using a free title. Only pay for a single token in appreciation of the work of the developer.

If one is interested in a game that can be played on your mobile and its characters are brought to the table, starlit on wheels is your best option. The game is also made available for you at no cost on Google Play and App store.


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