Head Ball 2 Review - NovaGames

After the 2013’s initiation of the Head Soccer, most gaming companies produced imitation of the same. For most of these companies, the duplicated games still worked out well.


Majority of the people loves football. If you formulate a new football game today, you will as well realize how fast it will gain popularity. This game type does not necessarily require newness; copying is an adequate tool.

Masomo Copy Gaming is one of those companies that came up with a copy of the Head Soccer. Although for them, they also planned to create an updated forum that contained the present graphics plus the latest football celebrities.

Head Ball 2 is a game that is freely charged and found in android and IOS. The graphics for this sport are outstanding. Moreover, it is effortless and straightforward to maneuver through your Head Ball 2 game.

You may notice that ads keep popping up after each match. However, they should not distract your game since that is the only moment when they emerge. The ads should neither bother nor hinder you from playing right. If you are PES fan, we have something for you!

Focus on Your Competitor

While engaging with your competitor, there is a straightforward sketch that makes it easy to scheme out ways on how you can out win your opponent. You, therefore, have to be very careful, since your rival can overshadow you as well. Your representative (rep) player can also use the head to score a goal, after throwing the ball up and down.

The duration of the match is 90 seconds, whereby you use every effort and tactic to score. You do not admit defeat quickly. Importantly, you also receive one ‘superpower’ chance which you can maximize and easily win.

The magic behind the superpower facet is that; once you advance and begin using it, you manage to unveil additional superpower positions. Later on, you can utilize the added superpower positions to increase your chances to score and win.

You must exceptionally maximize on timing your opponent’s superpower moments. At this particular time, try to evade them, and then use your superpower moment properly

Personal Tactic in the Game Matters

Notably, Head Ball 2, just like most current games, is entirely dependent on energy input. Each character, therefore, has different energy levels. Whenever you wish to play extensively, you may want to select more characters.

The change of players also enables you to enjoy the game more and may increase your possibilities of scoring and winning.

Besides, as you keep playing, you will manage to reveal better and superior tools, and character representatives that will boost your magnitude, momentum, jump, and shots. Also, as much as the essential factor is your player’s trait, your skills are paramount in determining your winning possibilities.

In case you do not input your skills and continue relying upon your player rep, the tough and skillful players will easily overpower you. To outdo the others, you must time your reaction appropriately, and again, carefully and consistently foresee your rival’s move.

Interestingly, you can become part of a team that allows you to appeal for a customized match. With this, you can play the game fully through modified ways of playing, match time, and goal spot.


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