Carmachia Review - NovaGames

If you are in a mood for some competitiveness against a friend, Carmachia is the game for you. Once you choose a car, you will be placed into an arena to see who can handle their vehicle better.


You will be playing this arcade game in a top down perspective while all cars are not easy to handle but with a little bit of practice, you will manage to handle it more or less. The vehicle will always run at some insane speed. You can put it in reverse or a break by holding the reverse button. The controls are a simple left and right steer.

Since it is so difficult to manage to keep your vehicle on route, you can’t even bring all the destruction you want to you opponent. If you manage to play Carmachia long enough, you will see that the game is based on pure luck and has nothing to do with practicing and improving over time. you will be driving around in circles trying to collect boosts and weapons in order to make some damage to your enemy, but since the handling is quite difficult, randomizing attacks are usually useless. At first, the game is super fun since you won’t be able to control your car while laughing with your friend, but after a while it becomes dull and frustrating.

In case you decide to keep playing for some reason, there are tons of cars just waiting for you to unlock them. There are also new power-ups. Areas ready to be discovered. Keep in mind that the handling of cars will still be the same even if you unlock some pretty nice ones, but they only look different and feel the same.

Another downside to Carmachia is that is has no single player mode so you can play by yourself, and there is no online mode to play in multiplayer. So basically, you can only play this game while your friend is sitting right next to you or not play it at all. You can find a “survival” mode where your mission is to shoot at crates without getting rewards. To end things on a bright note, there is a variety of boosts and power-ups to make each play kind of different. The controls work well and if you are interested in trying this game, I say go for it, but be prepared. Carmachia has a lot of potential if developers decide to work more on the game; a few updates wouldn’t hurt.


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