Android Game Hack • Zesthack

Hearing the word “Android Game Hack” rings a bell to a myriad of players around the world. More so, it is the bane of every mobile game developer. Following the rise of the popular mobile games both from playstore or even from its huge counterpart ios app store . There has been a satiating hunger for android game hack tools as well.

Android Roots: How did it Began


The eagerness to discover awesome tools for hacking android is very plausible. However, we must start off with the basics and learn. What to learn? Of course, we must learn how and when did android started. Come and join us on the conquest for android history and android knowledge.

android logo from pixabay

The Prelude:

Back in the days of 2003, particularly the Month of October Andy Rubin the founder of the said android created a prototype of what was known today. However, Android won’t be as big as it is today perhaps solely because it was purchased by google on 2005. Thus, a new age of smartphones has begun.

Delving into Versions:

There was a lot of versions unveiled throughout the modernization of the android. Much of which was accounted as sweet foods such as cupcake and nougat. Nevertheless, the android developers had a sweet-tooth per say.

Android 1.0

This version had the built in app “market” which would be later known as playstore. This version epitomized the organization they loved. One place to get all the mobile apps. A consolidated go-to-app for all your needs.

Additionally, a couple of integrations with google mail , drive, etc. These give you the feel that you can access your mail on your mobile phone. The portability of your office application integrated in your phone was emulated. However, these times weren’t that space efficient. There was lack of memory management for this early version.

Android 1.5 :Cupcake

Cupcake, introduced the much needed change in android usability. The on-screen keyboard, imagine yourself still using the keyboards same with desktop computer. That would not be ideal for the term mobile phone right? On-screen keyboard revolutionized the word portability in a new perspective. What’s more, 3rd party app development was enabled in this version. This mandate widened the scope of growth, allowing other developers to tinker with new apps for future use.

Android 1.6: Donut

Donut, provided the flexibility user were looking for. Such as, screen resolutions had variance. Adaptation with cell networks across the globe such as the likes of Asia made android so much popular. This change targeted the usage of camera, especially the efficiency of viewing and deleting pictures. What’s more, Recording was much faster in this version.

Little updates such as vpn access was introduced as early in this version.

smartphone model from pixabay

Android 2.0: Eclair

Eclair, was a compliment update for the recent versions. Added screen resolutions was unveiled. Hardware and system speed were improved. What’s more, faster zoom functionality, screenshots and various tweaks to photo (white balance, saturation) were introduced.

Well, another special addition to this is the Google Maps integration. This allowed users to access various locations via android system.

Android 2.2: Froyo

Froyo, was aimed towards mobile connectivity. Wifi, Bluetooth and tethering was introduced. Additionally, you can setup wifi hotspots with this update. And a more interesting addition was the “push notifications” which made life easier for users especially with the usages of emails and messaging.

Additionally, we were granted adobe flash support for both videos and web functionality.

Android 2. The most distinctive feature of this update was we were able to experience video chat. Voice call telephony over the app “Google Talk”. They were able to pioneer video. Voice chat over the internet. Much more updates with front. Rear camera functionality were added.

The long needed, battery improvement was laid on this update.

Android 3.1: Honeycomb

Honeycomb, was the epitome of plug and play update. This enabled us “users” to plug a plethora of devices to our beloved android systems. Honeycomb was an essential update for the future use of the android system as a gaming system. Mobile Gamers should thank android developers for this update.

Largely part of this update is to counter the ability of the ipad(competitor) to adapt to bigger screens. The trend for bigger and smaller screens seems to go up and down in popularity in the next coming years.

Android 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Ice cream sandwich, adds more user interface functionality for us users. Added of which were, Lock screen and Face Unlock. Face Unlock, granted us the unlocking of the android systems with of course, our faces. Lock screen features added , such as the ability to still access some apps from without unlocking your phone. Better screen rotation was also introduced.

Android 4.1: Jelly Bean

Also literally known as “Project Butter”. This essentially, incorporates “responsiveness” and the much needed update for user interface usefulness. This made the system more sensitive to touch. Thus, improving the efficiency of handling application via our fingers.

Emojis were embedded on the system itself. What’s more is the Right to Left support.

Android 4.4: KitKat

In this Update, the association with nestle’s kitkat was in effect. It was actually, a myriad of fixes and improvements to the functionality and user interface. A couple of compatibility fixes was applied. Updates for google chrome, and google maps was applied. Also , Gps support was added.

Android 5.0: Lollipop

Seems the sweets are never-ending. Security fixes were applied, which was applicable to stolen. What was even more astounding, once enabled factor reset settings will still trigger stolen phones unless the actual owner will sign in the phone itself. Additionally, multiple sim cards was enabled on android systems.

Android 6.0: Marsh Mallow

Marsh Mallow pretty much, coincides with the following: Doze mode. Not specifically should be confused with sleep mode. It lessens battery usage. Cpu utilization while the screen is not on. Finger print could now be read. Usb c-type connections was made possible.

Android 7.0:Nougat

Nougat, presented a nifty feature which was split screen and multi tasking. This allowed us users to interact with different types of screen simultaneously. Push notifications was tidied up. You can organize them by your own.

Android 8.0: Oreo

Oreo presented a more visual style change. One of which was, Auto-fill was more prominent across the platform. Changes with the home-screen. Wallpaper was also visible. Boot time was boosted and was faster. Furthermore Android was optimized for users with less than a gb ram.

Android 9.0: Pie

Battery life and user interface changes was prevalent in this update. For one, sleep mode was upgraded to a total battery life saver by disabling all active applications while your phone is turned down in a flat surface. Furthermore, swipe was upgraded and it was feasible on home screen rather the the traditional scroll down menu.

Moving to the Greener Pastures: Android Game Hack Tools Dissected

Now that we have a better understanding of the history of android. We are going to dissect the android game hack tools utilized by gamer(s) across the globe.

The emergence of android game hack wasn’t a coincidence. This stemmed from a variety of problems which are poised on every android game. Given there are a range of games which are playable from all ages. We at zesthack place great emphasis on this subject as well.

We are excited to elaborate these gems so you will get to experience the magic that these tools bestow upon its users.

XMOD - xmod is a pretty popular tool to edit game values for android. It does blend well with most games because it’s updated often.


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